Шедевры мировой живописи. Магниты на МДФ - Fine art prints on magnet

Шедевры мировой живописи. Магниты на МДФ

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Писемский А.А. Маки. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Виноградов С.А. Головинка. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Пютнер Иозеф Карл Бертольд. Венеция. 1857. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Шильдер А.Н. Овраг. 1915. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Чорос-Гуркин Г.И. Пейзаж с орлами. 1936. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Кампидольо Микеланджело. Плоды и цветы. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Иванов Е.Т. Натюрморт с овощами. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Хруцкий И.Ф. Натюрморт. Цветы. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Роби Жан Батист. Натюрморт с цветами и книгой. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Торопов Ф.Г. Натюрморт с цветами и фруктами. 1846. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Барзенков Ф.Я. Натюрморт. Цветы и плоды. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Сислей Альфред. Городок Вильнев-ла-Гаренн на Сене. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Коровин К.А. Гурзуф. 1916. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Сычков Ф.В. Алма-атинские яблоки. 1937. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Клодт фон Юргенсбург М.К. Коровы на берегу моря. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Ван Гог Винсент. Куст. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Соломон Иозеф. Нарцисс и эхо. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Бронзино Аньоло. Мадонна с младенцем и маленьким св. Иоанном Крестителем. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Машков И.И. Крымский пейзаж. Судак. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Сведомский П.А. Римлянка у водоема. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A
Батони Помпео. Благовещение. Магнит на МДФ (5х7 см)

This good is sold only in Russia and the CIS.
2.00 3-5 working days N/A

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100 Paintings from the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York
Album Samara
Smirnov-Rusetsky Boris. Belukha. Fine art print A3
Roerich Nicholas. Lake of the Nagas. Kashmir. Fine art print A3
Shishkin Ivan. Oaks. Fine art print A3
The first Soviet military SUV. Album
Ship at sea. Fine art print A4
For the Russian Land! Historical painting by Evgeny Emelyanov. Album
Nikolay Feshin. A set of cards 10x15 cm
Kuinji Arkhip. Waves. Fine art print A3
State Tretyakov Gallery
State Russian Museum
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Nicholas Roerich Museum New York

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Dear Sirs!
Agni Publishing House (Samara, Russia), Nicholas Roerich Museum (New York) and Fine Arts Academy Gallery (Moscow, Russia) have published a unique album, dedicated to the pictorial heritage of Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947).

Nicholas Roerich. Album, volume 2Will be available on the second volume of a unique publication dedicated to the works of Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947).
The album was released by the publishing house "Agni" (Samara), with active cooperation of the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York, as well as the Moscow Gallery Fine Arts Academy and the St. Petersburg State Museum and Institute of the Roerich Family.