Roerich Nicholas. Signs of Christ. Fine art postcard A6
Roerich Nicholas. Signs of Christ. Fine art postcard A6

Roerich Nicholas. Signs of Christ. Fine art postcard A6

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Author Nicholas Roerich (1874 -1947)
Media of Original Painting Tempera on canvas
Paper type Mat paper, 300 g/m2
Style Symbolists
Epochs Art of the 20th centuries
Subjects Philosophical Subjects in Art
Publication size A6 (10õ15 ñì)
Publication type Fine art postcard
Date of Origin 1924
Paper size (custom print) 10x14 ñì.
Size of original, cm 73.6x117
« The star of Allahabad has specified a way. And so we have visitors Sarnat and Gay. Everywhere have found religions. On a return way to a full moon there was a memorable saying the Christ. During night transition the conductor has lost a way. I have found after searches of the Christ sitting on a sandy hill and looking at sand, filled by Moon. I have told: « we have lost a way, it is necessary to wait star position ». « Rassul Ì., that to us a way when all ground waits for us! » Having taken a bamboo cane. He has outlined a square around of a print of His trace, having added: « Truly I speak – foot of man ». Then, having printed a palm, also has concluded it in a square. « Truly a hand of man ». Between squares He has traced similarity of a column and has covered as though with a hemisphere. He spoke: « I have made a pestle and above him an arch, and have put in pawn the basis on four sides. When legs human and hands human will construct a temple where plant the pestle incorporated by me, let in my way builders will pass. Why we wait for a way, when it before us? » And having risen, a cane has mixed traced. « When the name of the Christ will be made, then the tracing will act. Having remembered my constellation, the square and nine stars will begin to shine above the Temple. The sign on a foot and a hand will be traced above a stone corner. So it is Itself has told before a new moon. The fire of deserts were great ».

See also:
Roerich Nicholas. Signs of Christ. Fine art print B2
Roerich Nicholas. Signs of Christ. Art print on canvas
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Agni Publishing House (Samara, Russia), Nicholas Roerich Museum (New York) and Fine Arts Academy Gallery (Moscow, Russia) have published a unique album, dedicated to the pictorial heritage of Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947).

Nicholas Roerich. Album, volume 2Will be available on the second volume of a unique publication dedicated to the works of Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947).
The album was released by the publishing house "Agni" (Samara), with active cooperation of the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York, as well as the Moscow Gallery Fine Arts Academy and the St. Petersburg State Museum and Institute of the Roerich Family.