Shishkin Ivan. Rye. Fine art print B2
Shishkin Ivan. Rye. Fine art print B2

Shishkin Ivan. Rye. Fine art print B2

Price 13.00 USD
Time of shipment 3-5 working days
Marking 266 17063
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Author Ivan Shishkin (1832 -1898)
Media of Original Painting Oil on canvas
Paper type Mat paper, 300 g/m2
Museum of original From collection of the Tretyakov Gallery
Genres Landscapes
Epochs Art of the 19th centuries
Publication size B2 (45x70 ñì)
Publication type Fine Art Print
Date of Origin 1878
Size of original, cm 107x187
The wide open space. The field of corn is gold from end to end. The giant pine-trees look like being on the watch, protecting the peace of this kind ground for grain crops. The Ivan Shishkin’s paintings “The rye” is one of the classical work of art of the Russian realist landscape painting. The artist made the inscription on the study of the panting: “The expence, the space, the land, the rye, the grace, the Russian wealth.”. He enumerated everything he wanted to show by his painting. He did it great. “The rye” – is one of the best Shishkin’s paintings at all.”- Iv.Kramskoy wrote to E. Repin. Thanks to the wide line perspective and the color conclusion in painting the rye field and almost lifeless air surroundings, the painter achieved the monument ness of narration. The landscape is static on purpose, seems like imprinted by artist for ever. Even swallows, flying above the road through the rye. Shishkin is delighted with splendor and power of Russian space and shows his delight to us. Being true to himself, he chose pine-trees for his painting (as for many others) by no chance. He wanted to show bogatyr-longlivers – evergreen conifers, but the quivering in the wind birches. Compositional and pictorial conclusion of painting are submitted to the only thing – glorifying the power and wealth of native surroundings.

See also:
The State Tretyakov Gallery. Rye. Fine art print B2
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Agni Publishing House (Samara, Russia), Nicholas Roerich Museum (New York) and Fine Arts Academy Gallery (Moscow, Russia) have published a unique album, dedicated to the pictorial heritage of Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947).

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The album was released by the publishing house "Agni" (Samara), with active cooperation of the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York, as well as the Moscow Gallery Fine Arts Academy and the St. Petersburg State Museum and Institute of the Roerich Family.